Cameron A. Early Reviews the Impact on Informal Carers of People with Dementia During Hospitalisation Events.

Hospitalisation is an area of concern for people with dementia and the informal carers who support them because there are increased risks for poorer outcomes for the patient during the process. While person centred care is considered best practice for people with dementia in an acute environment, a lack of consistent implementation can lead to high levels of carer dissatisfaction. In 2019, Cameron A. Early examined relevant literature to identify gaps in current research relating to informal carers and hospitalisation events, to examine where informal carers are disempowered during this process, and identify ways in which they can mitigate that disempowerment. This detailed review can be downloaded here. 

Written 2019

Founder and Managing Director of Golden Years Home Transitions, Cameron Early holds a Master in Ageing from the  University of Melbourne.

Golden Years Senior Home Transitions